I think with another 3 years I could have finished my part, but the early release is a great watch nonetheless! thanks for organizing this and to everyone who participated, really was a fun project
I think with another 3 years I could have finished my part, but the early release is a great watch nonetheless! thanks for organizing this and to everyone who participated, really was a fun project
you are one crazy person and i love you
if you think the persident is stupid its probably beacuase YOU are stupid!
PS: the voices were pretty good.
but thats
well, this is one of the best shorts on newgrounds so it's really hard to critizise, but because you asked for it i will try to be the most nit-picky possible and give you some tips.
i really like the fluidity of the movements and the colouring is amazing, the story flows very naturally, i can't really find anything bad in the overall short film.
the are some very particular things though that could be improved.
for example when she spits, i only saw when watching the third or fourth time that shes spitting on the fire demon. maybe some more anticipation or a more spectacular 'death' of the demon wouldve helped.
and i found it kinda weird that under water she's suddenly lying on her side.
the dutch angle when shes swimming could be confusing, as if she'd swim up a hill.
and all your transitions are great, some even downright amazing. the in the last one though you couldve darkened the screen gradually with the burst 'expanding' instead of a smash cut to black where you didnt need it.
but probably most of my critique could be argued about since it's really very nit-picky.
great to see you're alive and well ;)
You nit-picky bastard - no just kidding ; )
Thanks for taking time to write all that!
I agree with the spit sound. I even tried to crop the picture or make the sound stronger but that just made it worse... conceirning the water angles I tried out what seemed most dynamic.
Good to hear from you and see you soon I hope!
just realized: was this originally meant to be released as part of the 'ghost storys' collab of the late night work club? that would be amazing, all my idols in one single group :D
but please get rid of that second half
great to see you decided to officially publish this project. still looks as great as ever and the music adds to the atmosphere. can't wait to see more from you!
Thanks snickity!
definitely one of the best entries to newgrounds in 2016. apparently at least the 5th best ;)
really love everything about it, the animation, the art style, all executed pretty masterfully. i was only a little confused by the first half of the short, because there's almost no continuity of movement between the shots. i'm still learning and don't know anything about action films, but is there a rule of thumb on how to use continuity of movement? i'd really love to learn about how to make action scenes :)
ahah good eye. i took quite a number of shots out. black dude wearing overalls had a segment where he gets thrown, and the transformation sequence was removed as well to keep the film close to 1 minute. originally planned for 3 minutes, but the deadline for this school project came quicker than anticipated :p
wow your pretty cool i want more!
Age 29, Male
Joined on 6/9/14