Amazing to still see you posting here, king!
Keep rocking!
Amazing to still see you posting here, king!
Keep rocking!
Hell yeah, I am still fuckin here after like 20 years lmao <3 preciate ya'll still watching!
I love you man, you are the beeeeeeest *O* keep making these amazing things that you do
Okay, calm down, we got it!! YOu knOw how to comp, no need to flail it around like this! What you want me to sAy little comp-boi, huh?!! You want a little gold star, comp-boy, that's what you want!!? Wel comped, compositing is, like, what you do HUH?
Well done, five stars yo
YES! I can't wait!!! <3
nice work! and really clean too
you can go rougher if you want, it alows you to stay loose
Cheers Yotam! New Episode, yay! So happy you finally got your show, you had so many great ideas an plans. Just like Fanstasia said in Episode 18. Which you accidentally uploaded instead I guess? Anyways, great stuff, love you <3
ah shit ah shit
<3 i Love your videos man
really nice work, fits the wonderful music perfectly! love your colours and composition. her fall being a little more alive & less stiff wouldn't hurt, but overall it's great. so atmospheric, me likey
That's a lot of pretty nice work, you've definitely done more experimenting than me at your age. Pretty nice for such an early showreel! Something I would advise you to do though is cutting it shorter; you only want your absolute best work in there! For most showreels it's best to only last around 1 minute, which would make your work shine even more. I really liked the bginning and there were some nice chunks in the middle. But shouldn't put unfinished pieces or exercises (unless they rock!) & get rid of anything with VO if it's not to showcase your lipsync.
Like I said, your work is pretty great, you can easily showcase you skill with half of the material! Be brave and cut it down, I guarantee you it'll make you drown in cash and chicks and stuff
Hope that helps ☺
Thank you! Yeah this was mostly just to showcase absolutely everything that was even slightly worth showing. I’m going to be editing it down later as a version I can send to studios - this was only so long because I wanted to post it on my channels and a lot of it is previously unseen stuff. I’ll be taking your feedback into full consideration!
Age 29, Male
Joined on 6/9/14